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Sports European feeder Browning Cup www.SPORTS.sk

VII. SPORTS European Feeder Browning Cup Slovakia 9th and 10th of June 2018

Final results

Dear friends,

we would like to thank all the visitors and competitors who have taken part in the 7th International SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP SLOVAKIA 2018, as well as the young competitors who competed in their categories within the SPORTS EUROPEAN KINDER FEEDER Browning CUP 2018.

We welcome all your feedback that will help us improve even more these successful feeder races. We are looking forward to another year.

Organisation Team

Please, follow this link for final results


SPORTS European Browning Feeder Cup - prize:

1. place - prizes in value 1500EUR + CUP
2. place - prizes in value 600EUR + CUP
3. place - prizes in value 550EUR + CUP
4. place - prizes in value 450EUR
5. place - prizes in value 380EUR
6. place - prizes in value 350EUR
7. place - prizes in value 270EUR


The winners will be awarded for each day by cups.


1 - 13. places prizes in value 1000EUR

Each athlete rewarded:
among the participating competitors will be divided promotions in value 4,500 €

Children Feeder competition: During Browning Feeder Cup it will be organized Feeder competition for children on the 10th June 2018 (on Sunday). Children will be awarded independently. Admission free for children - it pays company SPORTS!


Why to come and compete in VI.SPORTS European Feeder Browning CUP Slovakia?

Place of competition: Madunice Channel, many fish species, homologated track, many distinguished fishing tournaments have taken place over there:
World Championship of the Nations, European Championship of the Nations, European Championship of the Clubs and a lot of LRU – Pole fishing league rounds and Feeder fishing league rounds and one annual Slovakian-Czech LRU-feeder Cup.


Prizes: prizes and presents in value 10 000,-€

Organisation: camp 50 metres far-away from water, camp with sanitary facility, parking. Each competitor will be prizewinning.

Have a new experience:

Gábor Döme – Hungary - SPORTS European Feeder Browning Cup Slovakiawe quote Mr.Gábor Döme – Hungary (3rd place BFC Slovakia 2012)
“ As the winner in sector of the second round I caught fish with total weight 27 620 grams. I became best visitor. I can confirm that I am happy and satisfied. Children and adults viewers asked me to take common photos. I was known for them even though we spoke different languages. I was very enjoyable experience, I will come back again with pleasure and I recommend it to Hungarian fishermen! I would like to express special thanks to the organizers of the competition.”

Luboš Kuneš - Czech Republic - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Luboš Kuneš Czech Republic ( 1st place BFC Slovakia 2014; 2nd place BFC Slovakia 2013; )
Nearly four days after the end of the competition I'm starting to aware everything. It's a nice feeling to take a good position in such  heavy tournament. You put together a team of super people without which such events can not be organised and you managed it perfectly. Prizes, facilities and even weather ready, that hat off. I think you can easily think of a Browning Cup and Eauropean Championship joining, it's only a step.
I would like to wish BROWNING CUP perspective future in other years and thank Browning company for myself material support. I look forward to continuing in 2015 and hope that competitors will meet even more because it's worth it!

Alexander Rozin - Belarus - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Mr.Alexander Rozin – Belarus ( 11th place BFC Slovakia 2014)
Thank you for your wonderful event! We all loved it - the organization, the friendly atmosphere, the river, fishing. We are definitely going to plan for next year.


Krišjánis Lisovskis - Latvia - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Krišjánis Lisovskis - Latvia ( 6th place BFC Slovakia 2014)
Thank You very much for great competition and organization. Every thing was very good. Thank You Slovakia!!! :)

Norbert Jivan - Hungary - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Norbert Jivan - Hungary (BFC Slovakia 2014)
Gratulation fort he verry good organisation, great but very hard fishing , we come back next year 100 % .

Sergey Orlov - Russia - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Sergey Orlov - Russia (BFC Slovakia 2014)
Everything is perfect! We got home O.K!
Thank you very much for the wonderful organization of the competition, and you personally, for taking care of us!
Competitions were difficult because the conditions of the river were changing suddenly, we had to show all the achievements acquired in training days... Plus, I personally got absolutely "dead" sector(31.32) all 2 days... :-) But, globally we are all happy!
We are pleased that we were able to participate in one of the major European tournaments, and we were glad to see old friends!
Everything turned out great! Will come again!

Peter Labát - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Peter Labát - Slovakia (BFC Slovakia 2014)
Once more I would like to thank company SPORTS Ltd for excellency prepared tournament Browning Feeder Cup 2014!  Beautiful atmosphere, superbly prepared track and prizes for winners that are realy unusaual. Congratulate winners and I'm looking forward to Browning Feeder Cup 2015.


Jozef Vígh - SPORTS EUROPEAN FEEDER BROWNING CUP - SLOVAKIAwe quote Jozef Vígh - Slovakia (BFC Slovakia 2014)
Thank you very much again for perfectly organized competition with international participation! In recent years, we have participated in several competitions and Browning Cup is the final year of the top competitions organized in Central Europe. One such events have given us much more than 50 trainings. We have felt very well with you and we hope that next year we will see you again in the best tournament held in Slovakia. The guys from Sensas Feeder team Galanta.

Recreation, holiday:  The venue is 12,5km far-away from world-known spa town Piestany southwards – locality for recration, relax, holiday.
Browning Feeder Team Slovakia

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